Sometimes, while accessing the Reports and Analytics tabs in Goldcast Studio, you might come across this error:

This error is due to cookie settings on your browser. Follow these steps to resolve it:
- Click the three vertical dots
icon on the top-right of your browser, and locate and click Settings.
- In the Settings window, click Privacy & Security on the left tab.
- Select Third-party cookies, and choose Allow third-party cookies.

Refresh your tab, and you'll now be able to view the data in the Reports and Analytics tabs.

If you still have issues, contact Goldcast Support ( for further assistance.
Goldcast Data and Analytics
Cross-Event Reporting
ROI Reporting Dashboard
Custom Reporting
Pre-Event Analytics Dashboard
Event Summary Report
Engagement Analytics Dashboard
Session Analytics Dashboard
Email Analytics Dashboard
Rooms Analytics Dashboard
Booth Analytics Dashboard
How to Fix “Not Logged In” Error