Goldcast can accommodate up to 50 people on stage at a time, making it ideal for events of all sizes. In this article, we share screengrabs that showcase how your event could look with multiple people onstage at the same time.

Here is what the stage looks like when 30 speakers are present simultaneously:

You can have a maximum of 50 people backstage at any time. This includes speakers and organizers.
Guide: How To Do an Event Dry Run
Step-By-Step Guide for Event Producers
Step-By-Step Guide for Event Moderators
Step-By-Step Guide for Speaking at a Goldcast Event
Guide: How To Run a Speaker Tech Check
How To Share a Slide Deck
How To Share a Video
How To Share Your Screen
How To Create & Share a Poll
How To Chat With Attendees
How To Use Backstage Chat
How To Manage Audience Q&A
How To Change Stage Layout When Sharing Content
How To Move Speakers On/Off Stage
How To Share Resources
How To Screen Share Powerpoint/Google Slides
Automated Run of Show for Pre-Recorded Sessions
Recording a Speaker’s Presentation in Goldcast
How To View Your Event as an Attendee
Stage Layouts for Multiple Speakers
What to Expect Before, During, and After Your Goldcast Session
How To Create & Share a Survey
Video Production Tools