Customize Checklist Spacing in Series Forms

By default, the Series registration form has a single line spacing between the items on the checklist, like this:

1716917036653-2603a888-5394-47e7-b81e-22e5835ef403 (459×575)

Follow these steps to increase the spacing between the items on the checklist:

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio and open your preferred series. 
  2. Click Registration → Page & Form on the left sidebar.
  3. Click the Edit button in the Registration Form section. This opens the Registration Form Builder. 
  4. Click the Edit button in the Select Boxes component and navigate to the Data tab.
  5. Add the snippet <br><br> to the end of the event input in the Label column. This creates an extra line between all the checkboxes. 
  6. Click Update and Save

Alternatively, you can use a dropdown component to list the events in your series via a dropdown list. To learn more, refer to our guide on Setting Up the Series Registration Form

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