Overview of Production Capabilities

Goldcast system has a number of functionalities to present content in an engaging manner to the audience. This doc will give you an overview of all such capabilities

#1 Live Broadcasts

Live broadcasts allow you to have speakers live on the platform and engage with the audience in real-time. Our live functionality is webRTC-based, has zero latency, and is highly scalable, so tens of thousands of viewers can watch any session at the same time.

Live broadcasts (or sessions) are great for the following: 

  • Deliver a live panel or presentation: You can have up to 50 people on stage speaking to an audience. Refer to this article for stage layout with different numbers of speakers. The best part is that speakers can go "on stage" and be ready before the session goes live, reducing the stress of speaking to the live audience.
  • Deliver a pre-recorded panel or presentation with live Q&A: As an organizer, you can pre-record your speaker, upload the talk to play at a pre-determined time and then the speaker can go on stage after the pre-recorded talk to answer audience questions in real-time.
  • Deliver a presentation via screen share: Speakers on stage can share their screen with different layouts to suit their needs.
  • Deliver a presentation via a pre-loaded slide: Speakers can also pre-upload slides that can be shared natively for a high-resolution slide delivery experience.
  • Customize your stage background: You can customize the background of the stage to suit your brand. Check this branding doc for more details.

#2 Pre-recorded Broadcasts

Goldcast has a robust inbuilt Pre-recorded functionality which can play recorded videos at a pre-set time. No need for high-end streaming software to do that!

In this use case, your whole session is pre-recorded, and there is no live speaker on stage. You can sit back and wait for the session to start playing at the pre-determined time, then monitor text Q&A and chat in real time during this pre-recorded session.

For more information on pre-recorded sessions, see this guide on Setting Up Your Event Agenda

#3: RTMP Input

Goldcast also supports taking in an RTMP stream from any source and having it displayed in a dedicated session. You can use software such as OBS, Streamyard, Restream, and Zoom to broadcast content onto the stage for a particular session. 

Learn more about RTMP Input here. 

#4: RTMP Output

With Goldcast, you're able to take the video feed that is happening within the Goldcast platform and stream it to other sources such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and others.

Learn more about RTMP Output here

#5 Handling empty states on stage

Goldcast has robust functionality to handle what is shown on stage before and after events and during breaks while being compliant with your brand.

You have two options to handle the stage in such cases:

  1. Push a looping video on stage. The looping video could be a hype video for the event, an instructional video, or just a cool DJ playing music to make things lively.
  2. Use the standard Goldcast screensaver to take care of the right messaging. Our screensavers are dynamic to the state of the event and show the right instructions so that attendees are always in the know of what to expect next. You can change the screensaver branding from the Look & Feel tab.

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